In case it has been forgotten I write about whatever is on my mind at the time that I sit down and write my post. My mind has been occupied as of late with choices and guidence to making choices. We make choices based upon our experiences, morals, the advice of other people in our life and faith. I will address each of these individually. First our experinces, are the basic way we learn about our surrounding world. We learn through our senses and the intellect's inturpetation of the information gathered. How we act in regards to this information is what forms the concious. It is very easy to misform the concouience without a guide that is outside of the person to guide it. This guide is morality and faith. These two go hand in hand. It is very difficult to have true morals without faith, because for morality to be true it must have something outside of humanity. So upon what do we build morality. A morality that cannot be false, but always true and applecable in any situation. True morality is not just word typed in a blog or written in a book. If you want to know what a person's moral standing is, simply look at there life. It is near impossible to know enough about a person to make this judgment, because an unfortuante effect of the fall of man is that we hide our faults all to well. Many people are two faced and hide behind a mask, I know this all to well. I did it for many years, I try not to know but it is a hard struggle. When those two faces are exposed to the world then the inconsistence is eliminated due to the fact that when an inconsitancy rises it needs to be illimintaed. We must move towards the good, we all long for the good, the true and the beautiful. These are the sign posts that we are moving in the right direction and those around us are helping us to move to the ultimate good which is God. If someone is not helping us to move towards these goals then can they really be called friend? If they are hidding a face from the world, trying to appear upright and proper on one side of the street while on the other side of the street they drink, party, make out (i choose this broad term very intentionally) and do many other things that do not lead a soul to Heaven. Is this person really for the spiritual benefit or even the physical benifit of a person? One of the hardest things that we can ever do is say good-bye to someone we have called a close friend, it takes and intentional choice on our part to do this. It is very hard to do, there is a reason why I don't have many friends from my 'past' life. I let them go. But there is somthing that is important in guiding us to make this choice. A trusted person who this can be discussed with. Ideally a spiritual director if possible. If that is not possible a trusted friend who you have already recognized to be wise. The first step to that is just outright someone who is willing to listen and not give answers or be a fix-it person for you (If you want proof of this, look in the book of Proverbs about the importance of silence and listening). This person is the one who will be a light to us, but we must choose wisly who this is. They can bring us to light but just as easily if not easier they can lead us into a firie pit. All of our choices ultimatly must be weighed against the will of God revealed in His word and through His servant the Church. The biggest key is know yourself as you are before God. Do not worry about people, the only opinion that matters is God's thoughts about you.
A short aside though, there are somethings that a iron resolve must be made about before we are ever in that situation. For example, how far is to far when it comes to relations with another person. I will expand on what I mean by this example through my own life. I will not kiss anyone again until I am engaged to them. I made this choice because even a simple kiss can lead my mind into areas of thought and fantisy that are sinful. Since I knew that this is what happens to me personallyI've made this choice, but it also leads to a greater good of learning self control and the ablity to show love in other ways. This blog has gotten alot more personal in regards to how my mind works. I hope all of this makes some semblance of sense to anyone who read it, it'll make even more for those who know me best.
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